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Pow Wow's Quigley Down Under
And his Kids............


Junior (Queequeg's Lil Mo) is on the left and QoQo (Queequeg's QoQo Shanelle) is on the right. Both are now three years old.


Queequeg's California Golden Bear
Bear is now two year's old and another son of Quigley

Queequeg's Qoqo Shanelle
June 23, 2003- April 13, 2007
Once upon a time there was a mommy pug named Lady and a daddy pug named Quigley. They froliced and played together and one day on June 23, 2003 they had four baby pugs. Their names were Qewpie, Peaches, Junior, and Qoqo. The four babies were loved by their human family but soon they found new human families to bring much happiness too. So off went Peaches and Qewpie. Baby Junior and Qoqo stayed home with Mommy Raquel because Qoqo was such a tiny baby she wanted her to know that it wasn't the size that mattered and that she loved her despite her being so tiny. Junior stayed to keep big grandpa robert company. Soon the family learned that Qoqo had a talent for a flutterby tail and a crazy tongue to give kisses with. One year later they were all joined by fuzzy baby brother bear.

Two years later Mommy Raquel told Quigley, Lady, Junior, Qoqo, and Bear they would have a new human daddy named Peter and that they would love him just like they did. Soon all the pugs learned what Mommy meant. Qoqo and Bear especially loved daddy and always jumped on him and filled him with kisses. Shortly after that Lady went to heaven but all the pugs, even though they were sad, felt safe with their little family and mommy and daddy. When daddy said we all had to get in the truck and move all the way from our farm in California to a cold place called New York because his mommy was sick we were ok with it because we would all be going together. Although, we did miss our farm with the orange trees, jasmine, the sunshine and daisies, and all the other animals on the farm.

When we got to New York it was cold but mommy and daddy got us all matching navy coats. The boys were blue and mine was pink and I felt so special because I was different than the boys. Whenever daddy introduced me to his family he proudly said I was his Qoqo Shanelle and I wagged my flutterby tail and kissed him. We spent the winter and spring and summer all playing together and when daddy would go away to work it was ok because when he came home he always said "where's my little goil Qoqo Shanelle". I'd jump up and run to him and he'd pick me up so I could kiss him with my crazy tongue.

Not too long ago I began to not feel well. Mommy and daddy tried to get help and I know they love me. They stayed up with me and told me how much they love me. But, I couldn't wag my flutterby tail anymore and I couldn't kiss mommy or daddy. Finally, one night during a meteor shower mommy and daddy realized that God was calling me to heaven. I struggled to breath and I wanted mommy and daddy to know I loved them so I tried picking up my tail with all my might and moved it a couple of times for them. They layed me on their bed and both held me. They both said "God show her the way to heaven. Take her back home to her farm in California where she can run with the other pugs and chase the horses along the fence". Then they said, "Qoqo, go home. Run with the pugs. Go run under the orange trees with the other pugs. Go hide in the jasmine vines and in the daisies. Go to heaven and go home." With my brother Junior on the bed with us, mommy and daddy holding me, Bear and father Quigley on the floor I closed my eyes right at midnight and just like the meteors in the sky I flew home .